Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Missing you..

Miss u.
no other words can describe how much i miss him a lots. Everyday, i keep myself busy with any activity just to reduce my feeling.
I wish i have those wings to fly away and meet him!
I feel alone , sometimes i couldn't hide my sadness. He is been there with me for a years. Living my life apart from him makes me really in blue. I miss you ! T_T ..
I will never be like this if he is around me. i really miss you ..
I wish everything is safe with him there until we both meet again. I can't wait.

I miss U TVL

Friday, June 10, 2011


Salam and greetings to whom spending your time to read. Ada beberapa hari ini blog saya sengaja biarkan sunyi. Banyak dalam kotak fikiran mahu menulis tapi malas mahu mengolah. Few things happen. I don't think this is the best way to utter this matter but it is quite disturbing me.
FEELING. Apa rasa ini dan apa rasa kamu?
Tidak kira la perasaan malu,sayang,rendah diri,tertekan.Semua lah.
I've received a call from somebody to ask about someone I know.Big surprise.Perlu kah saya percaya semua cakap dia tu?
Perasaan saya ketika itu amat terganggu.Bukan sebab saya kenal dia bertahun lamanya saya akan faham apa dalam otak fikiran dan perasaan dia.Nobody will understand us better than ourselves.It is because of trustworthy yang buat saya untuk biarkan dia choose the best decision she had.
I am totally disagree the way he tried to solve that matter.By asking me.Come on lah..
Dia sudah terang-terang menolak kamu..jadi jangan sakitkan hati untuk menunggu.Dia benar atau salah, saya akan tetap sokong dia ,no matter what.So, you're just wasting your time on me on her as well.What for chasing someone who you know her heart her feeling already lost on you?.I couldn't understand her,yes, what's on her mind,her feels, but i do know her.
I'm hoping both will overcome with better outcome because,.. the most important ingredient we can put into any relationship is TRUST ,without it u have a recipe for failure.

and .. I am watching..


Saturday, June 04, 2011

Di Mana Penghujungnya

Adoiiiyaii... soalan cepu emas nih. Bukan orang ja menanya saya.I even asking myself oo when will i walking down the aisle ! (hermm perumpamaan ja k..maksudnya bila saya akan berkahwin)
Saya paling gegar la kalau soalan ni kena tanya.Apa lagi soalan itu datang dari my dad mouth! kalau my mum ok lagi ba..mama faham saya. hehe..
Panjang lebar tu weiiii... siap kena tanya calon belum ada ka? hmm.. oh ayahanda ku, anakanda mu ini mempunyai beberapa calon, akan tetapi sangat sulit untuk di utarakan sebenarnya wahai ayahanda yang ku kasihi.Bukan niat di hati tidak ingin membina masjid, apa lah daya anakanda ini cuma mampu menunggu sang kumbang untuk meminang, kerna diri anakanda ini tidak mampu untuk meminang.Jika mampu, akan ku pinang sudah calon itu.isk..isk.. :(

I thought i must be no enough luck to meet somebody who is keen to make an commitment. I've met few, but then there must be something wrong which can't make me or them to stop seeing each other. From family arrangement until friends, schoolmate then internet friends.

A friend of mind say : life after marriage is not same as when the time you both are in love.It is totally different. By this time, enjoy your single life because when you're married, you'll never find your single path again. Marriage is a commitment.Have you ready to face the challenge's ?

Gracias for the useful advise.Actually i am getting tired and afraid.I'm gain my age. Some friends say : Kau ni terlalu memilih ba. Ada orang mau tu tapi kau saja nda mau.
The big Q is : who that fella?

Hati ini bertaman, banyak bunga2 dan hidupan liar.Saya masih mahu hiasi taman hati ini banyak2..haha ^_^

We cannot try to run away from trials and tribulations,these thing cannot be avoided, and there is nothing for it but to endure with patience. How can we expect the whole of this world, and all that has been created to undergo change and transformation just to suit our convenience?


Friday, June 03, 2011

I'll Do Everything I Want !

Ok. . here's the thing.
What will you read here it could be about me or anything about people's. Saya mahu kamu bukan hanya untuk membaca apa dalam fikiran saya yang di olah ke dalam blog ini tapi juga mahu saya dan juga kamu berfikir apa yang saya kongsikan di sini.

Hanya tulisan pendek saja kadang lebih baik kan ?

Do you mind about this? - Sharing is caring .

Sanggup berkongsi dari segi apa ya?

Apa cabaran dalam menghadapi situasi begini.

What if, it's in your shoes?

Perkara2 macam ni berlaku di sekeliling kita. Or else kita sebagai pelaku nya. :)

Tepuk dada tanya selera.


Learn to say no without guilt. The problem with always saying yes is twofold. It makes you feel overwhelmed, stressed and tired. And you end up doing things you don’t want to or shouldn’t be doing -- all the while acting, on the surface, as if everything is just fine.

Helpful: When the request is made, ask yourself, “All things considered, is it in my best interest to say yes, or is it okay to refuse?” Put in this perspective, there are probably many instances when it’s perfectly fine to say no.

Give yourself an extra 10 minutes. Instead of always rushing, start out 10 minutes early instead of waiting until the last possible moment. You will find yourself with plenty of time to spare and less stressed out in the process.

Create a “selfish” ritual. When you have what you need in an emotional sense, you have plenty left over for others. Rituals can be as simple as squeezing exercise into your daily routine, browsing bookstores or having a quiet cup of coffee before work. The point is, it’s your time -- a special part of the day reserved just for you.

Let yourself off the hook. We often try to do everything. We work hard, stay organized, try our best to be good parents, spouses, friends and concerned citizens. Sometimes it’s too much.

Remind yourself that it’s impossible to be all things to all people all the time.

Example: If you forget an appointment, don’t berate yourself for being stupid. Instead, view the mistake as a signal that you probably have too much on your plate.

Speak softly. When you speak too quickly and with a loud voice, the energy you send out into the world is frantic and nervous. People around you will feel pressured and slightly agitated. Speak more softly and you may discover that you begin to feel calmer and less stressed. Next, you’ll discover that everyone around you will quickly start to quiet down, too.

Embrace change. Truth is, everything is in a constant state of change -- our bodies, homes, children. We can fight and resist change or surrender and embrace it.

The problem with resistance is it’s a losing battle -- 100% of the time. When we try to resist the inevitable, we cause ourselves great pain and sorrow and miss out on a great deal of potential joy.

When we embrace change, we open the door to a far more peaceful existence. Then life becomes more of an adventure and each step seems more special and important.

Eliminate the “rat race” mentality. One of the problems of thinking about and discussing your job/life as being stuck in the rat race is that it sets you up to be frightened, impatient and annoyed. Decide to stop talking about your situation that way. Instead, recharacterize it in healthful ways.

Example: Instead of saying, “I spent my day in boring meetings listening to arguments and dealing with constant conflict,” try “The art of my work is bringing people together who, on the surface, don’t seem to get along very well. It’s a good thing I’m there to help.” Can you feel the difference?

Don’t dramatize deadlines. A lot of deadline stress comes not from the deadlines themselves, but instead from the energy wasted thinking about them, wondering whether we’ll meet them, feeling sorry for ourselves and, perhaps most of all, commiserating with others about them.

Working toward your goal without the interference of negative mental energy makes any job more manageable.

Create a bridge between your spirituality and your life’s work. This means taking the essence of who you are and what you believe into your work space. If kindness, patience, honesty and generosity are spiritual qualities that you believe in, make every effort to practice them at work.

Example: If it’s your job to reprimand someone, do so from a place of love and respect. Creating this spiritual bridge will remind you of a higher purpose and put your problems and concerns into a broader context.

Take breaks. Failure to take regular breaks not only wears you down, but also makes you less productive. While you may not feel it at the time, slowly but surely, frustration will sneak up on you. You’ll become less patient and less attentive.

Over time, you’ll burn out more quickly and your creativity and insights will slowly fade away. Breaks don’t have to be disruptive or last very long. Usually all we need is a few minutes every hour or so to clear our heads, stretch our arms -- and get some air.

It’s like pressing the reset button and providing ourselves with a fresh start. - Richard Carlson

Why must ... this?

I have made this blog since 2009 but i never knew how to manage it well. Until last Wednesday when my colleague Suriati comes up with this idea then show me her's.
Interested, back home I then create this..wooo.. rupa2nya dah buat dulu ba. cuma dulu malas saja mau menulis apa2.
Now, successfully made this and I'd like to dedicate this blog to someone special in my life (you know who you are )
Thousand miles apart, this is the best way to keep in touch. You'll know what's up with me then and now.To all friends too !
Chosen song it's all my fave' and specially dedicated to. :)
Hope all enjoy read and listen what's happening here !

oh ya.. positive comments are welcome ok.. ^_^


This evening spent time with my good friend Zizie and Fandy . Mamam2 sampai kenyang..haha
Seronok dapat bercerita.How life is so easy actually.
Harapan adalah untuk menikmati Sate Jamrut.Sayang sekali hasrat hati tidak mampu di tunai kan.. (cess...bahasa itu ba.. hihi )
Ayat paling mahal la kan.. ermm..apa suda tu?
"berpisah timbul rasa benci tapi di lubuk hati masih tersimpan rasa sayang"
Apa la kejadian yang begini?? hihi..dia..dia..dan dia termasuk saya pernah alami ba.
Sungguh menjiwai betul kami tadi dengan butir2 cerita tadi.
Well, life is unexpected.We'll never knew until we try. :)
At least you have those and experienced it.
Well done to Fandy,Zizie and me ! ^_^